Lisa and Curtis found me on Google, and I am so glad they did! It was such a sweet time together as we talked about expecting their daughter and becoming first time parents. It made me think back to when I had the same questions, fears, and expectations. It also made me happy that I wasn’t nine months pregnant at the moment! But unlike me, Lisa was so beautiful and graceful. Not at all how I felt at nine months pregnant! She does have almost a foot of height on me, so I guess baby can grow a little more up and a little less out. That’s my theory anyway. 😉
Curtis works at an insurance agency that (funny enough) I just filed a claim through! Haha it was a good experience though, so we had a laugh. When I saw Curtis and Lisa interact, it was just the sweetest thing. He treated her so tenderly and when he smiled into her eyes, I melted a little.
I am so excited for them and sincerely hope I get to meet their sweet daughter when she makes an appearance.